MelissaBenefits, Medical Massage

In the massage therapy industry, there is extreme importance in the accreditation and certification of massage therapists. Therapeutic massage can be healing to the body if done correctly. This is where certifications come in.

As a team, at Moonshadow Medical Massage, we know that receiving certification for massage therapy is no easy task. There are many steps to the process, where individuals learn what to do and what not to do.

3 reasons why massage therapy certifications are important are: 

  • Health and safety: Clients want to know that when they are receiving a medical massage that they are in good hands. While massage may look simple on the outside, there are many techniques that go into it. This is what massage therapists learn when they are in the process of receiving their certification. They know proper technique and how to address different issues with the body with different methods. Certifications exist so clients can receive the best care. 
  • Knowledgeable: A huge part of the certification process is an extensive number of hours for education on massage therapy. If a massage therapist has a valid certification, they are sure to have gone through the education process and are very knowledgeable about the art of massage. They know what clients need based on their symptoms and aches.
  • Dedication to the art: Not only are certified massage therapists knowledgeable, but they are also committed to safe and ethical practices. Receiving a certification is no easy task and requires a lot of time. If one has a massage therapy certification, it shows a certain level of dedication to the art of massage.

Our team at Moonshadow Medical Massage is dedicated to giving our clients the highest quality of service that we can provide. All of our massage therapists are certified, and some specialize in specific areas. If you have any questions about our massage therapists or the services we provide, we would be happy to assist you. Contact us today to get started.