MelissaMedical Massage, Pain and Injury, Self Care

Many individuals find themselves sitting at a desk for their jobs at least 8 hours a day. Sitting hunched over a computer, typing on a keyboard and staring at screens all day can also wreak havoc on the body. Our bodies are not made to sit for extended periods of time. When we are in the sitting position, our backs tend to hunch forward, and our necks stay bent downward.  Sitting for extended periods of time causes strain on the entire body.

2 Major Problems Caused by a Desk Job:

1) Lower Back Pain:

 Whether it’s an occasional twinge or an ongoing ache, back pain can keep us from being able to function at our full potential. Sitting at a desk for hours at a time can lead to lower back pain. Lower back pain is likely the most common work-related back problem. Poor posture while we are sitting at our desk means the spine is out of alignment and this puts a strain on the muscles in the lower back.  Getting a massage can help with the strain of sitting for extended periods of time.  A massage increases blood flow and reduces soreness and helps to relieve pain. Massage therapy can also decrease muscle tension in the back as well.

2) Neck & Shoulder Pain:

 Pain in your shoulders and neck can be incredibly painful. We never notice how often we move our neck until every move is painful.  Shoulder and neck pain can come from placing your keyboard or mouse too far away. A computer monitor’s top third of the screen should be at eye level.  When your chair is too far away from your desk it causes to sit at the edge of your chair, with your neck and shoulders tipped forward, throwing your head out of alignment with the spine and straining the muscles. A massage therapist may focus the massage to the neck area that is sore or distressed. More likely, they will focus on the entire spinal area as well as the front of the shoulders and chest to relieve tension that is contributing to hunched shoulders and pulls on the neck. 

The head functionally weighs about 10-12 pounds when it sits aligned, over the shoulders. The more forward the head sits, it increases the forces muscles to hold your head up and puts strain on the muscles. Over time, forward head posture can lead to muscle imbalances as the body tries to adapt and find efficient ways to hold the head up for straight-ahead vision. Some muscles become elongated and weakened, whereas other muscles become shorter and tighter.

Did you know that while texting on our phones, looking down at our devices, the increase of degrees of our head forward can increase those forces, as if it weighs over 60 pounds! When it comes to forward head posture, sometimes it’s not as easy to correct than just pulling your shoulders back. Our medical massage therapists are well practiced in postural disfunctions. Let us help to keep your body healthy! Come see us at Moonshadow Massage in Cary, NC!