MelissaMedical Massage, Self Care

Whether a massage is part of your regular routine or an occasional treat, we can all agree that it feels amazing when you walk out of the therapist’s office. Wouldn’t it be great to feel like that for longer?

With these five tips, you can maximize the benefits of a good massage until the next one:

  1. Keep moving. The body is made to move. It’s how it naturally releases tension and gains strength. By adopting a regular stretching and exercise routine, the body will be able to maintain that tension-free state for longer after a massage.
  2. Focus on alignment. Make sure you practice good posture, your desk and areas where you tend to hang out are ergonomically comfortable for your body, and that muscles are used equally. This will keep your body in good balance.
  3. Nourish Yourself. Always drink plenty of water but take special care to do so in the hours following a massage to help rid the body of waste. Eat fresh real food whenever possible. Junk food is tempting, but in the long run, healthy eating habits make people feel good, energized and alive.
  4. Massage at Home. While getting a massage, notice where the tightness is, and do some light massaging of those areas to keep the muscles functioning properly. A trusted therapist will help you figure out proper techniques.
  5. Make Time for You. Take time each day to fully detach and relax. One of the extra benefits of a massage is being able to disconnect from the world around you and just…be. Carve out time in your schedule (daily if possible) to disconnect. It can be a quick daily meditation time, or a weekly time to be in nature.

The benefits of massage care don’t have to end when you walk out of the office. With a little care, those benefits can extend well after the appointment. Contact us, Moonshadow Medical Massage in Cary, to learn more about the benefits of massage care.