MelissaPain and Injury

Back pain is one of the most common problems that mothers suffer from.  While back pain during pregnancy is typically caused by the mother’s changing body, unfortunately, the pain doesn’t stop there.  

As the owner of Moonshadow Medical Massage, we see busy parents all the time and help with the pains that come up. The daily demands of infant and childcare can wreak havoc on one’s back as well. As any parent could account for, taking care of children is physically demanding and back injuries can be very common.

3 of the most common types of back injuries for busy parents are: 

  1. Sprains and strains: A ligament injury that is typically caused by a fall or sudden twist is known as a sprain while a strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon that can result from repetitive movement or lifting that over-stresses a muscle. Whether the injured has a sprain or strain, the pain experienced can be intense but typically remains in the back only.
  2. Slipped disc: A slipped disc is also known as a ruptured, bulging, or herniated disc.  This occurs when an awkward or sudden movement causes one of the gelatinous discs between your vertebrae to tear or become strained.  As a result, the collagen inside it leaks into the spinal canal. If the injury is in the lower back the pain or numbness may radiate down into the butt, hips, or legs and can get worse over time. Neck injuries would have similar symptoms that radiate down the neck and into the shoulders.
  3. Sciatica: Sciatica occurs when a slipped disc presses directly on the sciatic nerve, or if the sciatic nerve gets pinched as a result of ligaments loosening and one’s center of gravity shifting. It usually stays on one side of the body and radiates into the lower back, butt and legs.

How to Prevent Back Injuries 

There are some things that can be done to try to reduce the risk of back injury as a parent.  

  • When lifting little ones hold baby close to the body and use one’s legs, thighs and core muscles to help support the back.   
  • While breastfeeding, choose a chair with back support and use pillows to elevate the little one.  This will prevent mom from leaning forward and using poor posture.
  • Parents who use baby carriers should choose one that offers the waist strap.  This can be tightened around the stomach to help support the back.
  • Alternating sides of the body that one carries a baby can prevent excessive stress on only one side.  

A massage is a great way to prevent injuries! To learn more about our medical massage services for parents, click here now.