MelissaBenefits, Pain and Injury, Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy can be very demanding on the body. Taking care of the mom-to-be as she heads toward delivery is important. Prenatal massage is a therapeutic body massage that caters directly to the needs of the pregnant mom. The massage can be performed in a variety of ways, with a special arrangement of pillows for side-lying treatments or with specially made bolsters that support the belly for lying prone. Side-lying massages are generally used after the mother-to-be reaches 32 weeks for comfort. Please speak with your therapist on your preferences for the session. The massage is gentle, restorative and can ease discomfort associated with pregnancy and prepare the mother-to-be for her labor experience.

Benefits of a Prenatal Massage:

  • Helps to Relieve Discomfort: Pregnancy can get an uncomfortable for many expectant moms. A prenatal massage can aid in offering relief from the pain and structural changes happening to your body to accommodate your growing baby. Muscle cramps, sciatica, fatigue, headaches, sore legs and hips. Not to mention round ligament pain! A trained professional can help with the pain issues that can be managed with a prenatal massage.
  • Aids in Posture: Moms-to-be often find it difficult to keep good posture as their body’s center of gravity and shape begins to change. A prenatal massage can help to adjust the body as it begins to yield to weight gain in certain areas of the body. A prenatal massage can also decrease muscle tightness and increase flexibility. With increased flexibility, the body is more capable of adapting to your body changes while relieving muscle cramps and spasms.
  • Assists in Blood Flow and Fluid Retention: The process of the massage helps to support the return of blood to the heart and increases healthy blood flow to the uterus and placenta. As pregnancy progresses and the baby grows, the fluid retention increases. Swollen feet and legs could use a little help from the pressure they are enduring and increase fluid. A great foot and calf massage can do wonders to sore feet and flush the swelling out.
  • Relieves Stress: There is plenty of scientific evidence that massage can reduce stress hormones. It has been shown to improve mood, lower anxiety and help you sleep through the night! We understand how overwhelming and uncomfortable it can all be.

If you have questions about your prenatal massage, please give us call at 919-466-9494 to speak with a certified Prenatal Massage Therapist. Ready to book your next massage? Check our schedule online and reserve your appointment today! We are conveniently located in downtown Cary, NC.