MelissaPain and Injury

Childhood injuries happen. 75% of injuries in kids happen on public playgrounds – including school playgrounds.

Our team at Moonshadow Medical Massage, help treat common injuries. Medical massage can really help with small injuries like strains, whiplash, and fractures.

Some of the  most common injuries that happen to kids are: 

  1. Playground Injuries: Children between the ages of 5 and 9 are 50% more likely to be injured on a playground. So, monitor these kids carefully when on the playground. Also, make sure the playground equipment they are playing on is up to date on safety screening.
  2. Car Related Injuries: Nearly 70% of the time, a child is buckled up in a car seat incorrectly. This leads to a large increase in child injuries in even minor accidents.
  3. Burns: We all know kids can get into things they are not supposed to. One the most common injuries is burns from stoves and ovens. When a child is burned, regular massages are great to prevent secondary injuries. When a child burns a limb, they start to favor other parts of their bodies that could lead to strains.
  4. Sports Injuries: Kids love sports, but it can also lead to sprains, fractures, and more. Children are still growing, and it is important to get treatment for acute injuries to help them heal correctly.
  5. Water Related Injuries: During the summertime, there are a lot of water related injuries. A common injury we often see are slips and falls around the pool. 

If your child is injured, no matter what the cause, we would love to help them feel better and get stronger. Moonshadow Medical Massage in Cary is a great way to heal from any type of injury. Contact our team to find out what massage is best for the specific injury you are dealing with.