MelissaCAM Therapy, Medical Massage

More and more, we see massage as a medical course of action to help to heal whereas, in the past, physicians relied more on medicine, procedures or physical therapy. We know the benefits of massage to our general well-being, but medical massage takes healing further. Our therapist’s, at Moonshadow Medical Massage, are specifically trained in both relaxing wellness massage and medical massage therapy.

Here are four ways in which medical massage differs from general wellness massage:

 Purpose:  Medical massage is often recommended or prescribed by a medical health professional for the purpose of healing a specific ailment. It is well-defined and focused on the particular area with chronic pain or injury. However, general massage is more about overall wellness and maintenance of good health. While a massage therapist may focus on a tight muscle here and there, there isn’t a specific reason other than relaxation and tension relief.

* Techniques:  Usually, a medical massage therapist will use more focused, specific techniques that target specific areas. Often, medical massage therapists undergo additional training and certification for these techniques.

* End goal:  Medical massage usually has a specific goal and a set timeline. The ailment treated also needs time to heal.  With wellness massages, there really isn’t a specific end goal. It’s more about maintenance of the body and relaxation for the client.

* Patient:  It seems obvious, but it’s worth a mention: a medical massage patient is often injured. They are receiving services not because they want to enjoy them, but because they have to in order to heal. These patients may be coming into the massage more stressed, in pain and anxious than someone seeking a general wellness massage. A good massage therapist will understand the difference in the patient/client’s mind frame going into the massage and should be able to interact with that person accordingly.

A good massage therapist will be trained in the appropriate types of techniques to be able to best serve their client. If you are in need of medical massage therapy in the Cary, NC area, please contact Moonshadow Medical Massage.